I might one day be able to answer a query! But for now I’m still stuck on understanding exchange rates and asking the dumbest question …
Bitcoin slips by 4.89% in an hour; Litecoin and Ethereum go down the slippery slope (AMBCrypto)
Crypto Markets Plunge Below $300 Billion as Altcoins Bleed Out (Newsbtc)
Crypto currency markets have slumped almost $20 billion as bitcoin and its brethren continue to slide this weekend. The digital avalanche picked up pace around …
‘Keep Big Tech Out of Finance’ Says the Congress (Coinspeaker)
Coinspeaker ‘Keep Big Tech Out of Finance’ Says the Congress It seems that big companies as Facebook, Amazon and Google might be forbidden to launch …
Bitcoin (BTC) Price Weekly Forecast: Risk of Extended Drop To $8,880 (Newsbtc)
There was a major drop in bitcoin price after it broke the $12,000 support against the US Dollar. The price is currently holding the key …
Switzerland, A Top Location for Blockchain/Crypto Companies, Has a Big, New Player Coming To Town – Facebook’s Libra Association… (GlobalCryptoPress)
Switzerland is already a popular location to set up and launch a company in the blockchain/crypto sector, and is considered one of the more forward-thinking …
Ethereum Price (ETH) Holding Crucial Support: Next Key Break Nearby (Newsbtc)
ETH price remained in a bearish zone after it settled below the $280 support against the US Dollar. The price declined heavily and recently tested …
Bitcoin network hashrate sees fastest growth in history (Reddit Bitcoin)
submitted by /u/Chaosed [link] [comments]
Ripple Executive Reveals Strategy to Transform Cross-Border Payments, Boost XRP and Grow Blockchain Ecosystem (Coindoo)
During a recent meeting hosted by Amazon Web Services in New York, the director of strategic growth at Ripple’s investment arm Xpring, Vanessa Alexandra submitted …
Blockchain Life 2019 Conference: October 16 to 17, 2019 in Moscow, Russia (BTC Manager)
The fourth largest international forum on blockchain and cryptocurrencies, Blockchain Life 2019, takes place in Moscow on October 16 to 17, 2019. Experts and participants from …