Back in 2016 / 2017 there was massive discontent with bitcoins slow block times, small block sizes and expensive transaction fees. People promoted “fee-lees” coins, big block forks and labeled bitcoin a dead project. Here we are 5 years later and bitcoin is still king with lightning network making it more useful than any high transaction volume shitcoin.

Today there is massive discontent with bitcoins lack of smart contracts, lack of turing complete programmability and seemingly no path to building web3 Dapps and DAOs on bitcoin. People are promoting a plethora of smart contract shitcoins and labeling bitcoin dead boomer technology. In 5 years from now bitcoin will still be king with 3rd layer scripting solutions making it more useful, more secure and more scalable than any of todays smart contract platforms.

Patience is a virtue in crypto.

submitted by /u/slvbtc
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