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Chintai specializes in automating compliance for digital assets on blockchain networks. Chintai’s network utilizes specific features of EOSIO, such as the protocol’s unique permission structure, and the ability to prune data on private blockchains, to reduce risk and deliver assurance to those trading digital assets on the Chintai network.
Meet the host
Host: Jeremy Nation
Block.one Content Writer
Jeremy Nation is a blockchain technical writer with a background in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. He produces the BuiltOn EOSIO article series focused on highlighting EOSIO use cases and success stories.
Guest: Phillip Hamnett
Chintai Co-Founder
As CTO of Chintai, Phillip Hamnett manages the tech and product side of the company. He’s previously worked as a software programmer at Airbus, and has also researched fundamental particles in huge data sets from the Large Hadron Collider.
#BuiltOnEOSIO Podcast
The #BuiltOnEOSIO podcast shines a light on some of the amazing projects and innovators in the industry leveraging EOSIO technology. Providing a unique perspective to listeners, conversations focus on how projects are making a difference and driving innovation and growth to the EOSIO ecosystem.
If you would like to suggest a project for us to feature please send an email to spotlight@block.one for our Developer Relations team to review.
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