I think if we want to see any price stability with bitcoin then companies should sell their products at a fixed bitcoin price in order to establish price floors.
For example, let’s say a tesla model 3 was priced at 1 bitcoin. No matter what the price of bitcoin is in terms of USD this car will always sell for 1 bitcoin. This helps create a price floor for bitcoin. People would be incentivized to buy up bitcoin at current prices because they know they’d be getting a deal if they were to buy something worth 29k and use it to purchase a car worth 35k. The demand of people wanting to buy bitcoin in order to get a discount on the car would actually push the price up back to 35k.
Another option companies can do would be to buy up large amounts of bitcoin over the counter at today’s prices and then offer product at extremely cheap bitcoin prices. For example, a company like Lamborghini could theoretically purchase a billion dollars worth of bitcoin OTC today for $29k per bitcoin. They then announce that the newest Lamborghini model will sell for exactly 1 bitcoin no matter what the current USD price is. Imagine people finding out that they can buy a 300k car for just 1 bitcoin which is currently at 29k… this would cause the price to skyrocket and we’d potentially see a new price floor near 300k for bitcoin due to all the demand from people buying up cheap bitcoin today in order to purchase a very luxurious car. Lamborghini as a company then benefits vastly because their OTC purchase of 1 billion dollars of bitcoin is suddenly worth 10 billion. They also wouldn’t be losing any money selling a 300k car for 1 bitcoin today because pricing their latest Lamborghini at 1 bitcoin would create enough demand to establish a price floor at 300k.
submitted by /u/Expired_Lizard_Milk
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