I have seen so many posts about girlfriends not interested in investments and Bitcoin, and some comments even generalize that women are not interested in investment, so I want to tell my story.

I have been on for a year about the why of bitcoin with my boyfriend. I wrote a “noob friendly” 6 minute article summarizing my 100 hour of learning about bitcoin and send it to him and other friends. He is not interested.

He doesn’t see why I get so excited about dozens of words that I shared with him offline nor understand why I even want to bother guarding my own private keys. He shares articles about Tether not keeping 1:1 dollar reserves in their book but doesn’t get that the reserve requirement is 0% for US banks after March 2020 (this used to be 10%).

Mind you, he is a smart person, a successful dev who is interested in investing. Sadly, most of our bitcoin conversations hit a brick wall and I finally gave up.

I guess this is why I am on Reddit. Rant complete.

submitted by /u/JunoKat
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