The cryptocurrency space is often plagued by a lack of integrity and accountability. Solving this problem will not be easy, albeit Ripple and Coinbase officials will join forces to make it happen.
By forming this Market Integrity Working Group, an interesting step has been taken.
Ripple and Coinbase Join Forces
This new venture is an initiative officially outlined by the Blockchain Association.
The BA represents some of the biggest brands and companies in the crypto space active today.
By creating this new group, the focus shifts to introducing fairness, equality, and accountability.
Prominent people at the forefront of this initiative are executives of both Ripple and Coinbase.
It seems plausible to assume that there will be some dismay regarding Ripple’s involvement, as it is not targeting the cryptocurrency space.
In terms of meeting the goals outlined, however, Ripple may be positioned a lot better compared to other companies.
Rachel Nelson and Breanna Madigan will be the two women in control of moving this venture ahead successfully.
One of the first orders of business seemingly revolves around addressing the lack of cryptocurrency regulations in the United States.
With the help of other Blockchain Association members, a lot of progress can be made fairly quickly.
For now, no official timeline exists, yet more news is expected in the near future.
Image(s): Shutterstock.com
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