PancakeSwap Airdrop is worth a Limited edition 3D Animated “Bullish” Lunar New Year NFT for the first 8,888 that made profiles. If you were one of the first 1900 people, you also got a Special edition “Hiccup” NFT!

About PancakeSwap

PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), with lots of other features that let you earn and win tokens. It’s fast, cheap, and anyone can use it. On top of that, you can earn CAKE with yield farms, earn CAKE with Staking, and earn even more tokens with Syrup pools.

Also, you can win big with the PancakeSwap Lottery! Paying for one ticket (1 CAKE) will give users a random 4 digit combination with each digit being between 1-14.

Find more Defi Airdrops here.