More than 90% of educators are convinced that kids need exposure to the latest technology in order to be successful in their careers in the future. 98% see a place in the classroom for interactive video and other technology, and there are many other technologies that can have a huge impact. The need for digital tech skills in the workplace is just one consideration – teachers also see tech as a way to personalize learning. Can tech in schools give students a leg up?
Technology in classrooms provides a wide variety of benefits:
- Helps extend reach to students who may not have access to classrooms
- Gives students the ability to learn long after graduation
- Can show students career paths they might have never seen outside their communities
- Can help students to learn at their own pace
- Can help students who learn easily to delve deeper into a subject
- Gives students technical skills for future careers
86% of teachers believe that students need video capture skills for future career success. Since 2014 teachers across the country have increased their use of video in classrooms in many different ways, from giving feedback to student assignments.
Currently, nearly 18% of school-aged children don’t have access to the Internet in their homes, which is a huge barrier to the advantages that technology can bring. Public libraries, schools, and public donors are working to get mobile hotspots for students in need, while some rural communities are testing the idea of equipping school buses with WiFi hotspots so students can do homework on their way home.
While technology has demonstrable benefits, unequal access is holding students back. Learn more about the benefits of technology in classrooms from the infographic below. Is your school ready for 21st century learning opportunities and the benefits they will bring future generations?
The post The Next-Gen Education Economy appeared first on The Merkle Hash.