Hey Guys,
using a Ledger Nano X HW wallet. When I initially set up the HW wallet I double and triple checked my seed phrase and then went on to secure it. Now that a couple of month have gone by and my BTC account grew considerable I really regret that I haven’t “recovered” my private key once initially to verify the seed (best practice: Generate seed –> send small amount to address –> recover private key with seed) because I didn’t know better at the time. Now to give me peace of mind I would really like to do so. Any tips on what the safest way is? I see three options:
- I think Ledger now has an app to verify the seed phrase
- Move coins to different address (temporarily) and recover the PK on my ledger
- (not sure about this one) What if a bough a second ledger and recovered it there? I should have two Ledgers each containing my key and I should be able to access my coins with both
Anyway, I appreciate the help and I regret not doing this in the first place.
Thx guys!
submitted by /u/Ape1108
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